Why [@firefox](https://lemmy.ml/c/firefox) is not implementing this UI by default and why none of the Firefox-derived web browsers implementing this. - eviltoast

Why @firefox is not implementing this UI by default and why none of the Firefox-derived web browsers implementing this.

I somehow managed to build this, but its not prefect.


At this point the there has been almost no significant improvement.
How Mozilla Ruined Firefox –> https://youtu.be/ugnOM2mzgNU

Hoping @firefox wont forces me to move to brave.

#Linux #foss #privacy #firefox

EDIT:- New UI with Minimize Close Maximize button, giving space which can be used to drag.

  • NaN
    111 months ago

    You can move windows by holding the meta key. They got rid of the space between extensions and the url bar but that area is also draggable.

    • AshishOP
      111 months ago

      @nan @Lucia
      Yeah dragging window was always easy, never used the top bar to move, always used META key.