Does being a Hawaii resident incredibly hinder my job search? - eviltoast

Does being in Hawaii automatically disqualify me from 95% of tech jobs?

  • Calcifer
    2 days ago

    Not sure how long you’ve been looking, but just be prepared for ghost job postings and very fierce competition. My job search took nearly a year and I know folks who’ve been looking longer. A large percentage of job postings are outright fake or they don’t actually intend to hire anyone for the position, and even real positions, especially remote ones, will have thousands of applicants. It might not be you, your location, or your resume - even if those are 100% optimized, it’s a rough market right now for finding a remote tech gig.

    My advice is to make sure your resume is optimised for the AI screeners most companies are using (unfortunately what I, a human, looks for in a tech resume is very different from what HR and the AI tools look for, so make sure to have multiple versions and at least one formatted to be parsed by an AI tool) and leverage your network at much as you can. Apply as soon as you can after a job is posted. Check the websites and apply mostly to smaller companies. You can apply through Linkedin or indeed but most of the “easy apply” ones are ghost jobs. Still worth hitting the button on a few hundred of those or so just to try, but they’re far less likely to be of any value.

    Good luck in your search.