Hope you’ll get hacked
I don’t see the point in stardew Valley and witcher, they are pretty self explanatory. But going in blind into Minecraft? Yeah, you’re not getting anything done.
You canbe iinnocent and stupid, but these are not necessary good traits
Still one reason left to hate the book
Damn I bet Ho Chien hated Animal Farm
I cannot with these codes… “Cop”. “Copsucker” 😭
I had this exact issue on an old gaming PC, PSU wouldn’t power the MB, but would be fine by itself. My GPU had a short, gods know how it happened. Juts keep disconnecting parts and try powering up again until you get the LED indicator. If everything is gone and it still won’t power on, it’s the MB. You could get a multimeter and measuring the power lines to see if there is a short (5V to ground, 12V to ground and I think there are 24V lines?). Maybe look for burst or burned capacitors and if you’re crafty and able to solder replace them. Otherwise replace the MB or defect parts.
Just learn reading sheet
But when I strip naked inside a shisha bar…
And so the curse of the spiral begins
My colleague (late 40s) is still like that. Buys only GoG or I guess physical, although it’s mostly codes nowadays anyway? I mean good for him but he misses out on like 80% of games.
I don’t think Steam will ever die but I hope it won’t fall into enshittification at some point.
I needed my fix after Geoguessr is no longer free 😔. But yes, bus lines, they all had stops on this one road. Went along the way until I saw the building on the left.
I actually beat the game at level 1, no weapons, no items, controlling the character via brainwaves. And every time I died, I resetted the game.
An enemy has been slain
Wie oft wechseln Sie die Bettwäsche? Alle zwei Wochen, meinen Sie? Und jetzt nochmal ehrlich, bitte! Die allermeisten lügen nämlich bei Umfragen dazu gern
Diggah die Bettwäsche ist nach einer Woche doch schon stinky af, wer wechselt denn bitte SPÄTER als 2 Wochen. Am besten morgens dann nicht mal duschen und ich weiß warum so mancher in der U-Bahn diesen besonderen Duft hat.
Aber auch bei 40 Grad werden Milben, Bakterien und andere Mikroorganismen abgetötet, das wurde mittlerweile von zahlreichen Fachleuten bestätigt.
OK das war mir neu, interessant.
Edit: Okay, manche der Kommentare hier… Wtf. “Ihh uhh mein Bett beziehen ist soo anstrengend”. Joa die 5 min körperlicher Aufwand sind schon schlimm.
Will die meisten hier nicht IRL sehen, oder noch schlimmer, riechen. Vor allem nicht den 4 Monats Typ.
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Man, just let me insult as I please. I know virtually nothing about tf2 and didn’t get the “reference” but this post is clearly not meant seriously. If this is not immediately obvious to someone… why?