At least link the full article and not just the headline… smh. Here is also the follow-up article with comments from Firefox’s CTO. https://www.heise.de/en/news/Firefox-defends-itself-Everything-done-right-just-poorly-communicated-9802546.html
At least link the full article and not just the headline… smh. Here is also the follow-up article with comments from Firefox’s CTO. https://www.heise.de/en/news/Firefox-defends-itself-Everything-done-right-just-poorly-communicated-9802546.html
Honestly mentioning Enchrochat together with other mainstream message clients is kind of misleading. The Enchrochat message client was also E2EE. However Enchrochat was also a company that sold their own mobile phones with a prorietary OS on it together with own sim cards and only those phones were able to connect to each other. And law enforcment had enough evidence that they sold those hardware in shady untracable ways similar to drugs. At that point there was no western government that didn’t want to help seizing their infrastructure and taking over their update services for example.
The bigger problem however for the general public is that certain politicians want to break encryption all together by forcing companies to implement backdoors on client side. This has been an ongoing discussion for 2 years in EU parliament and it has to stop: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/06/now-eu-council-should-finally-understand-no-one-wants-chat-control
I guess with some imagination you could say the muzzle does indeed look dog like but the rest? I mean even if you morph some reptiles into humans you’d get such kind of muzzle. It’s not really that “distict” imo, but I get why some would say otherwise.
“Kobolds were first described as hairless humanoids with small horns by Gygax in the Monster Manual (1977)”
Found a really good source including a picture of the first edition. It looks like that they were mentioned indeed in the 2nd edition to be more dog like in a sense of voice “yappin like a dog” and smelling like damp dog. Their visuals however were not really dog like. So I assume it was maybe both a mistranlation and an over interpretation of some texts from 2nd edition or just pure free choice from the author of this anime. https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2022/01/dd-monster-spotlight-kobolds.html
Well just recently researchers discovered a campaign installing backdoors on iPhones using a chain of several 0-day expoits or in this case using also 0-click exploits, where no interaction from a user is needed. However those attack chain are so advanced that practically normal law enforcement would never be able to do it. But theoretically yes some well equiped state actors are able to infect you without noticing. If you are really intrested to see how advanced these attack are search for “project triangulation” or watch the recording from last years chaos computer conference: https://media.ccc.de/v/37c3-11859-operation_triangulation_what_you_get_when_attack_iphones_of_researchers#t=373
thank you for stepping up, I tried to connect with @Alchemy@lemmy.world earlier this year to talk about community topics but I think they are inactive
definitely Progressivist is the most active mod and I agree. There is no rule yet but maybe you’ll get into trouble with instance admins posting 100s of picture at once. I think with some common sense you should be fine. Maybe just post your top 10 pictures or strecht it over a period of time so that we get a picture from you each day/week for example
165166320 here
What a headline. It literally fell 3%… That’s not much. Actually still higher than their April value. They dropped more than 50% in the beginning of the pandemic and have not recovered from that. Whereas Airbus easily pushed higher than pre pandemic level. So yeah not looking good since a long time.
Found another article analysing this incident and how unlikey it is that the car wash itself caused the screen brick and that Tesla screens generally can run somtimes into those errors and resetting it ususally worked in other Teslas: https://cleantechnica.com/2024/04/18/whats-going-on-with-the-tesla-cybertruck-that-wouldnt-work-after-a-car-wash/
I’m not aware there is such a list. Logically it’s mostly small countries where they speak their own languages where no big corporations that produce ads have any interest in. You probably will find some comment like mine where they mention certain countries but this can always change any day. Sometime there is a single advetiser in a country but even then you will see their ad much less frequently than the common US/English based ads.
I can recommend you the Nord Vpn Firefox addon which allows you to only use vpn for certain domains which would be anything with *.twitch.tv
Same as on other platforms twitch ads are location based or in this case ip geo location. They are notoriously fighting ad blockers and have long been opting into ad stream injection which is why most common ad blocking techniques won’t work. Basically after all the custom script solutions, like vaft script, started failing l started testing around with VPN taking advantage of the location based aspect of ads. Basically there are countries where noone is paying for running ads. E.g. Czech republic. So basically the most secure way to block ads on twitch is Vpn to certain countries. However I noticed that you need to use IPs from that country for about a day. It seems they are caching your Ip for some but after that you wont get any ads. You can read about all known ad solutioms of twitch here: https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions
Also this does not work with the twitch mobile app and neither with the mobile version of twitch in a mobile browser. However it does work when switching to the desktop version in your mobile browser. So desktop version while using vpn on your phone should work. At least when I tested it last.
That is not entirely true. It’s a bit more complicated. Yes it is protected since the 1970s but it’s more of an academic title. You needed to study something that is “mainly” of technological or scientific nature. Basically befire the Bologna reform every student in Tec. Unis/FHs did get the title Diplom-Ingenieur. So the engineer part was literally part of your degree. This of course also true in case you studied IT. So yes there are many who call themselves IT engineers also in Germany. However it’s more of a philosophical question how much software development is actually engineering or rather craftsmanship.
guess I’m being downvoted by the tinfoil hats in here anyway. Same as the twitter users, it’s often not bots that are the problem but rather dumb people :-(
Twitter files are mostly a tool for Elon Musks policy. Wiki entry shows enough of why they are problematic. The Hamilton 68 controversy isn’t a big thing like you are pretending. If anything their database was misunderstood. https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-hamilton-68-russian-online-influence-tracker-2023-2?op=1
Oh nice, I actually didn’t know that. Pretty nice feature.
I don’t think there is split tunneling in the browser add-on, not exactly sure what you mean.
See my update in the main post, please check if you also had split tunneling enabled. Still a weird behavior but now it is narrowed down to this feature.
See my update in the post, now everything makes a little more sense and it is for sure related to the split tunneling feature.
I just learned that before their fundraising round Bluesky called themselves a “public benefit LLC” and I thought thats nice of them to benefit the public 😅 , then I found out about US corporate law and what it actually means…