I’m only trying to do two of these things and I still look like that.
Is Judy Blume among the banned books?
Well, today I learned the roof of my mouth is ticklish. I can’t even get through one letter!
Which always makes me a little suspicious that it was written entirely for the headline. And then people can scroll past, see the headline, feel good, keep scrolling.
Join Jonah Club: We have a Whale of a Time
Links broken for me.
Fuck Galen! ✊
Can i get cardio in two days? This changes everything.
I get the hump part but is the big alarm clock because he’s deaf from all the bell tolling?
It’s me!!! I’m no man!!! I’m nerd!!!
Stupid question… are these RPMs true??
The one where he walks in the door, chucks his bag, and flops face first in the ground!
This is why I prefer articles!!! Videos it’s hard to know where to go to but articles feels more linear and easier to find the spot I don’t actually know.
There’s still time to become an electrician!
Way the scissors feet are oriented with him hinge he would only be able to run sideways.
I thought they were crazy strict about being out of costume? I’d guess it’s not an official Disney somethin?
I like to think it’s do no harm, including to myself or allowing harm to happen to me.
Schitts Creek and Kim’s Convenience! And Baronness Von Sketch.