No. Once it tries to hide the truth, it becomes self aware. Or it’s too much trained on TwXtter
But seriously: is it different? I mean the angle obviously isn’t but there is no light pollution and no atmosphere so at least it clearer, right? Is there another effect at play?
Hier sind duzende Leute unterwegs, mindestens 12
And remember: the more niche it sounds, the more secret their actual project. When someone tells you they use role and reference grammar to analyze the socio economic implications of the difference in vowel harmony between classical and biblical Hebrew, they basically admit they work for MKUltra. It isn’t debatable in any meaningful way at that point anymore.
Some people will use anything to avoid imperial units
True, but you need to know how to get to that place which shifts the problem a little but still
That’s why they learn random facts about stink bugs to scare everyone away from their secret knowledge
So you live in Humans Who Hate Dogsville?
They try to say “So long and thank you for the fish”
Du fragst mich, was vor Armut schützt
Die Antwort lautet Grundbesitz
Rainald Grebe
See what vegans took away from us
c/I don’t care
Isn’t this speciesistical appropriation?