Interesting point for the military: If you build a rocket that contains GPL software, and shoot the rocket towards your enemy, you are obliged to send another rocket containing the source code.
Why would anyone ever need more than 80x25?
So you’re saying that it’s easier to learn C++ than git, because you only need one command (g++ foo.cpp -o foo
) instead of many?
Everything since the abacus, just a bunch of crap.
My favorite error message of all times:
You don’t exist, go away!
Weren’t they also the first ones to add ads to their start menu, a decade before Microsoft? I’m not an Ubuntu user, so I didn’t care enough to remember the details, but I recall something about them sending your search strings to Amazon to present you with ads.
They were developing software for Windows Phone, so: No, in retrospect they didn’t do anything useful.
In my last job I had colleagues using Windows, and they were super chill. When they turned on their computer in the morning, it took 20 minutes to boot, install the latest updates and log on. I had to start working right away, while they were having their third coffee and second cigarette, waiting for their computer to get ready. I’m sure it wasn’t healthy, but relaxing.
I have switched ESC and Caps Lock for years now. It really makes things so much easier, but now I am the guy in that meme. At least partly: I struggle to find the ESC key on other people’s computers, but sadly I’m not 23 anymore.
It’s “setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape” btw.
That’s because the Gnu/Linux-Version of killall is as weak as a stoned penguin. You have to try the real stuff.
killall is your friend. But the UNIX version.
There is no single definition, for what a word is, which is exactly my point. Some linguists even argue that “word” is inherently undefinable and refuse to use it as a category.
One common (but still ambiguous) definition is though, that a word is the smallest unit in a language that can stand on its own and conveys a meaning. By that definition, “Ruf … an” is one word, as “an” is not a word by itself. It might not be too obvious, as “an” can also be a word by itself , just not in this context. Another example, where it’s more obvious, is “innehalten”. “Inne” is not a word, it has no meaning by itself, it cannot be used on its own, so in the sentence “halte kurz inne”, “halte inne” is one word. Another example would be “Stelle etwas dar”, where “dar” is obviously not a word by itself.
Fun fact: Verb literally means word in Latin, so saying they are the part of the same verb, but not the same word is kind of an oximoron.
That is totally a non-trivial problem, which requires a lot more conception before it can be solved. Even for English, this is not well defined: Does “don’t” consist of one or two words? Should “” be split into three parts? Etc.
And don’t let me start with other languages: In French, “qu’est-ce que” is one word (what). In the German sentence “Ruf mich an.”, the “Ruf an” is one word (call) while mich is another word (me). In Chinese, you usually don’t even have spaces between words.
If I got that feature request in a ticket, I’d send it back to conception. If you asked me this question in an interview, I’d ask if you wanted a programmer, a requirements analysis, or a linguist and why you invite people for a job interview if you don’t even know what role you are hiring for.
Linux has you covered. Just call
insmod -v pwr_perpertuum_mobile.o
The -v is short for --violate and allows you to violate the laws of thermodynamics.
To be fair, he is not completely wrong. Gnome is an idiotic DE for idiotic users. I use Gnome, btw.
What about xbill? Why is noone mentioning it?
Dass Ihr euch alle noch daran erinnern könnt, was wie lange im Geschichtsunterricht behandelt wurde. Mein Geschichtsunterricht ist schon so lange her, der könnte in Eurem Geschichtsunterricht behandelt werden.
Ist es denn wirklich so, dass wir jeden Dreck der von Westen kommt jetzt kopieren müssen? Ich denke, Genossen, mit der Monotonie des JeJeJe und wie das alles heißt sollten wir doch Schluss machen.