Why are they “forced to resign” and not “immediately arrested, charged, and under investigation”?
Like, retaining their job should not even be an option…
Why are they “forced to resign” and not “immediately arrested, charged, and under investigation”?
Like, retaining their job should not even be an option…
Those were rookie numbers. This time round he’s gonna destroy the credit rating, bankrupt the state, and sell off the whole country to corporations, piece by piece.
Oh there’ll be elections, but they will be a sham, and all of them will be stolen.
Turns out all that was necessary to destroy the US government was to finance a bunch of criminally corrupt narcissists. Once they hold the majority, some of them simply do nothing and continue collecting their paycheck + bribes, while the rest take a sledgehammer to everything.
This is the reality. Not these pseudo-psych takes. Learning to program made me more socialist, as I realised the entire internet, and success of modern computing and information systems, was mostly the result of FOSS (socialist) software. Walled gardens and proprietary software are now the bane of my existence.
If you look deeper into every tech billionaire/oligarch, most of them were already born into the richest 1%; all born on 3rd base and believing they hit a home run.
I am now nearly certain that extreme wealth and power create the mental illness of narcissism (or at least surfaces/activates these tendencies, suppresses empathy, etc). Add in the fact that capitalism actively rewards narcissistic and criminal actions, and you end up with nothing but criminally corrupt narcissists.
Fascists lie about everything. If a fascist ever tells the truth, it’s either a mistake or a coincidence that conveniently aligns with their propaganda and goals.
That’s just how fascism is, and always will be.
It doesn’t sound clever unless you grew up eating paint chips
As time goes by, I hate capitalism more and more.
Murdoch or Trump? Murdoch has been systematically destroying the developed world for several decades. Trump only jumped in at the last mile.
Ya know what’s real funny? I haven’t seen any evidence that anti-Israel or “undecided” voters actually had any meaningful impact on the election, but I have seen strong evidence that Trump won due to the same old voter disenfranchisement/fraud that’s been facilitating GOP wins for decades.
Yet every single thread for the last 3 months is full of Liberals blaming the people who draw the line in the sand at arming and supporting genocide, even though there were 100+ million non-voting adults, and mountains of PsyOps across big tech and MSM… almost like the entire Liberal vs anti-genocide argument is a PsyOps campaign to further fracture Liberals, and turn them against the left…
Username is accurate. You’re a dunce.
We need to stop acting like it’s the 1950’s and a million is “rich”. 1 million in 1950 would be equal to 13 million today, except in 1950 you could buy a fucking mansion for ~30k, with a < 30 minute commute (the official inflation figures are oligarch propaganda and off by a factor of 5-10).
In like 30% of developed world cities a million isn’t even enough to own a home without an hour plus commute. The minimum for “rich” in 2025 is a paid off home and another million in investments, which will net you about 50k a year without working (e.g. able to exit the rat race and live off capital). Even then, in the USA you need several million to buffer the likelihood of a medical condition bankrupting you…
The VAST majority of Hollywood — especially comedians and writers — are working class and poorly paid. Even the majority of the famous ones grew up relatively average/poor. Most are not nepo babies or even in the 1%. Most are allies that are silenced or neutered by studios and production companies (capitalists) out of fear of being sued or blacklisted. Only an extreme minority of them have anything near oligarch money, and none of them made that from their labor.
This is a shit fuckin take. Bill Burr made his wealth from his own labor, and he’s 56. He’s been a relatively famous comedian for ~20 years, touring every single year, producing tv shows and shit.
Acting as though his 15-20 million makes him not like us is some mentally ill tankie bullshit. There are hundreds of thousands of boomer and gen x millionaires who made their wealth from cheap labor, slave wages, exploiting the poor, landlording, etc, and you call out Bill Burr? Get the fuck outta here.
Considering the horrifically shit quality of education in the US, you’re probably better off saying “the difference between a million and a billion dollars is 999 million dollars”.
They only watch the wrong people — and bomb the wrong people [1] — because their purpose isn’t peace, justice, morality, to make the world a better place, improve quality of life, etc, etc.
Their purpose is to oppress the poor on behalf of the oligarchy, and generate wealth for the oligarchy in doing so.
[1] member how 16 of 19 9/11 terrorists were Saudi, but America invaded Afghanistan and Iraq?
This is why the stock market was, fundamentally, a trojan horse. It was created so capitalism could intertwine the peoples wealth and retirement funds to the success of the wealth of the oligarchy, making the entire market too big to fail.
Now the entire system is designed to prevent damage to companies, no matter how moral, unethical, or criminal. The success of corporations IS treated as equal to “national security”.
You’ll find that fascism, and supplicating to it, are where many people draw the line.
The orphan crossing machine requires sustenance.
The article’s inaccurate then. Israel arrests numerous Palestinians as leverage.