Are Republicans or Democrats better for the economy? You decide!
Three raccoons in a trench coat. I talk politics and furries.
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Are Republicans or Democrats better for the economy? You decide!
Recently I’ve actually been wondering how the hell researchers manage their citations for big projects, because a while back I started doing some research on the Cass Review, tripped on my own dick and accidentally ended up with 70-something disorganized citations (that I actually used) that were a pain in the ass to clean up.
I’m definitely checking out those first three software lol
Did the xLSTM end up going nowhere? I thought it looked pretty sexy.
She predicts the next token.
Well he is the oldest presidential candidate…
Zero surprises there. So many gun nuts are just itching to kill someone, and to those who were paying any attention it was abundantly obvious that’s exactly the kind of person who Rittenhouse is considering his fake crying, taking pictures with the judge, as well as buddying up to nazis and literally making a game to celebrate his shooting.
They’re probably mostly part of the ~8% of Democrats who lean conservative according to Pew’s political typology.
are you sure you want to be bred by “bred pudding”
The Shovel? That just sounds like bullying bait, but I have seen a kid named Megatron, and that is indeed a badass name.
idk this just popped into my head and it made me chuckle
The thing that all the experts and everyone who’s informed on this topic said was going to happen ended up happening? I’m so surprised! 😱
If by tasteful you mean furry vore…
Then yeah, tasteful.
I’m just that humble 😎
Could you code my science-based, 100% dragon MMO for me?
Maybe this will come off as armchair psychology, but I really believe that part of what motivates conservative, and especially far-right sentiment in men is just sexual frustration.
We’ve seen so many instances of Nazis being outed as gay or as chasers, so many incels who blame women for all the ills of the world, and so many guys who have a “blacked” or “white extinction” fetish are staunchly racist.
We can respond in a number of ways to rejection, or any other negative experience for that matter, and some people respond with aggression.
Women don’t find me attractive? Well it must be either their or society’s fault. Or maybe the blacks are at fault for taking all the white women.
I can’t be gay in my religion or conservative social circle? Well the gays must be sinful groomers then, and should be second class citizens or outright eradicated.
Once again this is probably just armchair psychology on my part, but this may be part of why we’re seeing conservatism increase among young men as younger generations are having less sex.
Remember that former Guantanamo inmates have accused DeSantis of aiding in and enjoying torture. Cruelty is the point. DeSantis and others like him simply take pleasure in making as many immigrants as possible suffer, whether they are legal or not.
But Biden is shaking his fist very angrily! That has to count for something! /s