I want to retire to Majula too.
I want to retire to Majula too.
Is that like the retirement home district or just a local name for a really famous alligators cloaca?
Getting sucked for 30 years would def be a drag.
Lol, imagine following instructors on everything, even when you know better.
I love you, but thems the reality.
Damn, that pancho hoodie on point
As a porn actor.
The whale shits your pants!
Just like Florida Man.
Why of course, that is me, the chad, I am him.
Yes, indeed, and it’s the ‘can get their jaws around’ part that got me curious. Is that thing chew(through)able?
Lol, I don’t like how (much) this meme (kinda) works.
Shirley that can’t be nice to eat (supporting all that elephant weight & blood pressure).
Maybe as a play-thing
So invisible jets (with wondrous pilots) when?
(Or do we just wait for pollution to turn the rain acidic like this?)
Shaking is just your liver not adjusted to regular fasting, right?
Actually this is legit my headcanon too - I don’t think I have any eating related disorder (sure, I can’t form patterns & eat at the same time every day, or every day, but that’s it), however I do think I know what I need to eat (cravings or whatever lesser cravings are called).
As long as my brain gets to connect the dots between taste and specific nutrients, I think I know what I need to eat.
Well, I would really hope it’s at least something honest, like porn, or even Twitch.
Omg what’s your secret??
Steam should push po>!o!<p-up ads like [Windows support is ending, click here to install Linux.]
They meet other adventurers seeking White Castle