Faery and Her Dragons by Ed Binkley - eviltoast

Source: “Faery and Her Dragons” — Drawing,… - Ed Binkley Artwork | Facebook


“Faery and Her Dragons” — Drawing, 16.5”h x 11”w; I’m sometimes asked where my ideas come from. They distill from many sources, but I do have a tendency to ask a logical, even scientific question, and then opt for an imaginary solution. I’m fascinated with science and the worlds scientists have opened for the rest of us, but since childhood I’ve had a tendency to jump to conclusions that are more fantastic than accurate. As an example when I wonder logically where dragonflies go at night, I soon stray from entomology, I mix genres, and I start a story in my mind. I might decide that they are protected at night by a being accustomed to the dark and cool, one whose eyes can see in moonlight, one who doesn’t fade to semiconsciousness just because the temperature drops. Then of course I need to answer other questions that follow — Is she herself protected by spells or runes? Is she insectoid? Humanoid? Something in between? Are all dragonflies just pets, set loose during the day like we would send a dog outside, then gathered in at dusk to stay close in the dark?

I’ve heard that the habit of answering questions with non-obvious answers is a form of creativity. I suppose it might be but I’ve never thought of it as that, it’s just what happens.

“Faery and Her Dragons” will be in my solo show at the Copro Gallery in Santa Monica in March, opening reception Saturday, March 2nd.

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