Day 315 Contemplating Body in the Body - eviltoast

THE BUDDHA HAD a special way to help us understand the object of our perception. He said that in order to understand, you have to be one with what you want to understand. In the Satipatthana Sutta, the basic manual on meditation from the time of the Buddha, it is recorded, “The practitioner will have to contemplate body in the body, feelings in the feelings, mind in the mind, objects of mind in the objects of mind.” The words are clear. The repetition “body in the body” is not just to underline the importance of it. “Contem-plating body in the body” means that you do not stand outside of something to contemplate it. You must be one with it, with no distinction between the contemplator and the contemplated. “Contemplating body in the body” means that you should not look on your body as the object of your contemplation. You have to be one with it. The message is clear. Nonduality is the key word for Buddhist meditation.