I have no idea who these people are but my Balkan soul felt this
Yeah, I just learned about these folks’ existence from this post - but I’m saving their name for later for sure.
While googling trying to get a sense of who they are - they have a hour-long concert on youtube that’s really dope already.
Thanks for the share! I will play it at work tomorrow.
Great! Any idea why this is an all-female orchestra?
Any idea why that matters?
Not at all, I was just wondering because so far I saw mostly men in such orchestras. It’s great to see the joy they have while playing the music. But this also (especially towards the end) looks a bit like a marketing or an art event (vernissage opening?)…
In the Balkans itself I never saw an any women or girls in these types of orhestras. I think these girls are really peoviding some much needed balance.
Their official bio on their website doesn’t even directly acknowledge it, so it doesn’t seem like something they front-load per se.