This guy has balls the size of western Europe.
Good, they’ll weigh him down nicely enough when his countrymen hang him
And why would they do that?
Turning a country into a prison that people desperately try to escape by crossing the border through rivers/mountains (and often die trying), or by going to the “aggressor” controlled territories (remind me please, how many Poles or even better Jews were escaping their countries and fleeing to Germany during WW2 because it was safer there for them?) and people getting kidnapped, beaten, held in basemenets for days, tortured and even killed by the brave “recruitment officers” of Zelensky’s regime seems like good enough reason for me.
I’d be surprised if your average Joe Ukrainian would want to lynch him. I could easily see him being lynched by some of the heavily armed Banderites who perceive his working towards peace as a stab in the back of the Ukrainian nation though.
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Oh rarrr
The US will dispose of him well before that ever happens. He has outlived his usefulness to US empire.
Actions speak louder than words, and I believe Zelenskyy would. Great example of leadership.
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Something like yesterday or so General Secretary of NATO said membership for Ukraine was never proposed. So it’s just empty posturing on the side of Zelensky.
“Empty posturing” is a very cynical and cruel way to frame it. What would you have Zelensky do instead? Quietly let Putin and Trump divide his country up?
It’s not enough cynical and cruel for this bastard. Only a pity that the US imperialism again ruined another country and again killed a million people or so. A lot of people were warning this is how it’s gonna end and lo and behold, cassandra curse again worked.
He should have never tried getting wmds in the first place.
Ukraine never should have let go of their nukes.
Those weren’t their nukes to begin with, they had no capability to maintain them nor to use them without the codes. Giving them up was not only the only option for them but also in retrospect best for the rest of the world since US could easily coup them twice.
Nice of you to wish nuclear armed banderites to the world. As a Pole i wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. Not to mention those minorities in Ukraine that would be sleeping eternal sleep after banderites end with them.They been offered to remain neutral, but decided to pursue nuclear weapons and NATO instead thanks to clown president.
You have to be high as hell to think Ukraine would ever be in NATO at this point. All NATO countries would have to agree to start WW3.
No, but that’s the bargaining chip that will be given in exchange for Russia giving back a large part of occupied land.
There is no way in hell Russia would make such a deal.
The whole war was about Ukraine NATO membership.
Lol no.
Remember the Cuban Missile Crisis? Now imagine if Cuba had more than just missiles. Imagine if it were Mexico or Canada joining the Warsaw Pact.
Goal of Putin’s rethoric about NATO is his public image. War for him is good external tool to solve internal problems. He is very much capitalist with 10 palaces, 6 yachts and dozens of oligarch friends.
No disagreements here, Putin is corrupt and guilty of war crimes. I wouldn’t defend Putin not after Chechnya, I am just stating the obvious, no country would like a hostile military alliance at its borders regardless of how criminally corrupt it may be or how good the military alliance may be.
If Ukraine wanted to join NATO it should have kept its nukes. Otherwise it had no option but to remain neutral.
Who wants this trade? Does NATO want him gone? Who benefits?
Trump keeps bitching about elections being postponed because of martial law. Because the Ukrainians don’t want polling places to be targets and Russia to try to interfere in other ways.
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Are we going to repost this every day now? I’ve seen like ten sources here covering this.
I posted this 2 days ago when it was new. I posted it because someone else posted a paywalled article and this was open to all.
Nato membership for Ukraine is a no go for Russia, whose approval is actually needed to end the war. Also neither the US or most of European countries keen on having Ukraine in EU, especially when the war is still going on. Zelensky is just fucking with everybody here and insulting everybody’s intelligence. He is not ready to step down, he is holding on for his dear life.
- Russia has no say on NATO membership they can grind their teeth and whine like a baby as much as they want.
It is assumed putini will instruct dumpy to block it anyway and they can’t be members until the war is over.
Everything you see in regards to Ukraine for the next few months will be about setting up negotiations zelensky stepping down is part of that.
Zelensky has been president for nearly 5 years most of that while at war, I don’t blame him in wanting to step down.
Russia has no say on NATO membership they can grind their teeth and whine like a baby as much as they want.
No, if Kiev or the EU leaders insists on Ukraine getting into Nato, then Russia will just keep the war going and end Ukraine as a state if they have to. They of course don’t want that burden, but they are very ready and capable of doing that. That is their veto regarding Ukrainian nato membership.
It’s even easier now that US is pulling out. Why would the Russians ever give concessions like that to Ukraine now? Is EU going to sanction Russia even more? Give Ukraine more of the ever more anemic amounts of weapons?
Plus every European country knows that taking Ukraine into Nato while the war is going on is like vote if they want to escalate this thing over Ukraine into a hot war against Russia that will go nuclear. Ukrainians themselves of course want that outcome. For them it would be just more bodies dying with them and for them, since they can’t seem to accept anything else than their vision on total victory. These Zelensky’s idiotic words just confirm that even more. That is also why unless a miracle happens and despite the talk form Ukraine and EU leaders Ukraine is never getting into Nato. That’s just a fact. Ukraine lost, get over it. Than fuck “the orange man” and his team has some sense in this regard.
See my note on joining I noted the war had to be over.
As I also said this is all about negotiation stances no, what one side says vs the other in the run up to any deal.
A deal which is unlikely to be talked about seriously until after the summer when both sides can go on the offensive so they can be in a stronger position come winter and negotiations.
This guy is such a populist scammer.
Very useful of him. Ukraine needs leadership that can make peace with Russia, and still keep Kherson, Odessa, or leave up to referendums where they go. Zelensky wouldn’t win election anyway. War was obviously big mistake, and looking to US/west for “protection” or terrorism support is just too high of a price to pay.
Zelensky can’t be part of future of Ukraine, but it is very helpful for him to step down. Focus should be on trade instead of war.
Zelensky should have inquired about NATO guarantees before sending half his country into the meat grinder. The only guarantee NATO gives is a knife in the back. Ask the Kurds about it.
Zelensky should have inquired about NATO guarantees before sending half his country into the meat grinder.
So, don’t defend your home from a foreign invader unless you’re allowed into NATO? This doesn’t make any sense.
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Provide an example of a “Russian bot” in this thread, keen observer. State solid reasons why they are a bot, and why their comments are “blind propaganda against Ukraine”.
I can’t prove any user are bots, though that is my opinion because I can’t comprehend any other reason for their behaviour. And the blind propaganda is all the messages framing Zelensky as the cause of Ukraine’s destruction while willfully ignoring Russia’s huge involvement, or comments trying to imply he is hated by most Ukrainians (despite his approval rating being well over 50%).
To be clear, being critical of Zelensky is not propaganda, but willfully ignoring data and historical events for the sole benefit of Russia is.
Have you considered reading the comment instead of spamming Russian bot?
I do not endorse Putin invading Ukraine. And Putin is an authoritarian dictator.
I simply state that Ukraine was used as a pawn for NATO to weaken Russia. And this was predicted years ago. But anyone saying it was called a Russia bot.
Ukraine was caught between two evils and did not use its own leverage to get guarantees from NATO. Instead it blindly trusted hollow phrases of possible future NATO membership, refused ceasefire deals, and now is left holding the bag.
I did not even reply to you, I replied to another comment which has been since deleted, and was referring to comments across this whole comment section. (Eg: “when his countrymen hang him”, or “this scumbag is responsible for destroying the country”)
Spamming russian bot
You can check my comment history, I am fairly sure that is the first time I have ever referred to a user as a Russian bot. Hardly spamming.
I disagree with your original comment mostly because of the phrasing, because I think it implies that the only reason for Ukraine to be fighting was for NATO membership (as opposed to defending their home from invaders) but your clarification about Ukraine being stuck between two evils I can agree with, or at least find reasonable.
Edit: added examples above
Ukraine didn’t take peace deals throughout the war because they thought the Europeans and Americans had their backs, and would let them into NATO for security in the future.
Now the Ukrainians have lost hundreds of thousands of people, huge tracts of land, and are about to be looted so hard it will make the looting of Russia after the dissolution of the USSR look like a cake walk.
The Ukrainians fought for a lie. Rule no. 1 of geopolitics. NEVER trust the Europeans or Americans. They will always backstab you.
Ukraine is now destroyed, they are not in NATO. And they have a massive debt to America.
This makes a lot of sense 🤠👍
masterful gambit
NATO (Stoltenberg) proudly rejected Putin’s offer to avoid the war by refusing to ever admit Ukraine. Was evil war from the start, and was never intended to end well for Ukraine.