I mean, what better name for a n’er-do-well with a heart (and possibly other parts of his anatomy) of gold? 😁
I played the heck out of NWN when I was a teenager!
…by which I mean I was excited by the character options, so I ended up restarting it over and over again. I’ve done the Waterdhavian Creatures quest so many times I burnt out. :P
I should go back and actually beat the game.
Dick Swift — DEX +3, WIS -1
Perfect, no notes.
Nice. Does it allow you to swap the attribute dice around? I’d take 14 to char and 12 in cost instead. Gotta live up to the name you know?
It does, yeah, but I was in a hurry to get started so just went with the recommended stats. Good point, though 😁
Is this some app or game?
It’s Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition 😁
Gonna add it to the title to stave off any further confusion