Last I time I saw these silky tits they were very tan. That means it’s been far too long! What are you and your fine titties playing this evening?
Star Citizen 😎 gunning for the win
I’ll have to up my posting over the holiday season 😁
Nice! I haven’t kept up on development, how’s it play at this stage? Last I knew it was just a sandbox. It’s not my cup of tea, but controversy aside it’s a neat concept.
So I play with a really great group of folks. I love gunning and some of the bunkers. Right now it’s definitely still alpha but if it’s been a while since you’ve played there’s so much more going on.
I’ve actually never played, but it shows up in the news and I catch streams occasionally when there are big updates. I don’t jump into games that are alpha if I have any doubt about whether it’s for me and I don’t think it is. I’ll stick to my FFXI server when the mmo itch gets me.
I’m glad you’re having fun with it though and mercilessly gun down someone for me! Also glad to see your sexy self again 😊😘
Your gamer tits are so hot.