Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling - eviltoast
  • Captain Aggravated
    232 months ago

    I ran a poll a few years ago on Reddit asking people what event made them switch to Linux from some other platform. Interestingly enough it was not the EOL of a preferred version of Windows or MacOS, but the introduction of a dreaded new one. In other words, according to my poll, more people quit using Windows not because Win 7 support ended, but because Win 8 was released. Which was counterintuitive to me.

      42 months ago

      It feels to me like every second version of Windoof is shit if you start at XP (my first Windoof OS, no experience with earlier ones):

      • XP guhd
      • Vista shite
      • 7 guhd
      • 8 shite
      • 10 guhd
      • 11 shite

      Until now I was able to skip every second version and could wait until the newer and better one was released. But now it seems that I need to make a complete switch to a suitable gaming Linux OS. I don’t have any other use for Windoof.

      Your poll results feel therefore relatable to me. I want a system that just works and with which I can do everything I need to. I don’t mind testing new features. Often I welcome them. But if I can already expect that I have to adjust to new features which are unavoidable, and from which I can tell – either by reading reviews or testing myself – that I really don’t like them, then of course I stay with the system which doesn’t have them as long as I can still do everything I need to.

    • TheHarpyEagle
      22 months ago

      Well, it’s been shown with previous releases and this one that Windows gets really pushy about upgrading long before EoL for the previous OS, so I can understand the frustration. Especially annoying if you’re running something like a kiosk or a TV app that doesn’t have mouse/keyboard readily available.