Does this plan make sense? v3 - eviltoast
    44 months ago

    Being able to kill a bill without having the votes to vote it down by either talking for a while or just threatening to talk for a while seems fine to you?

    It’s a procedural loophole that allows the minority party to tacitly veto legislation that doesn’t have a supermajority.

    • @MrDrProfKelev
      -14 months ago

      Yes, that’s the point. Otherwise the majority can pass any legislation they want. What would be the purpose of the minority if they can’t block anything the majority wants to do?

        24 months ago


        In most democratic systems, the whole point is that you vote, and the majority wins. That’s the point of voting.

        A loophole where one side can just block voting breaks the whole thing.

        That’s just a baffling position.