YouTube warns it might make your viewing experience worse if you don't turn off your ad-blocker - eviltoast
    11 months ago

    I Square peg doesn’t fit the round hole.

    1. I linked the video out of my application, which links google. Further, less people would reach his content if I posted an invidious, piped, etc link if they aren’t familiar (and my target audience isn’t people using these services, so obviously I would choose the option that would get my target audiences attention best)

    2. I don’t represent that entire community, as much as you’d like to repaint me into a group. I’m an individual who shares some things in common with masses, and other things are unique to me.

    3. Moral high ground? It’s fucking simple. Give me quality service for what I pay, or I go elsewhere.

    I’m done arguing with you about MY OWN viewpoint which I think everyone else very clearly understands.

    Talk about being on a high horse LMAO the irony.

      11 months ago

      You legitimately do not understand that there are alternatives to YouTube. It’s fucking embarrassing.

      Give me quality service for what I pay, or I go elsewhere.
      Apparently not. You’ll keep going there no matter how much you claim to hate them.

      And that’s no small part of why Google has such market control. Because people like you give it to them enthusiastically.

      PS: it’s Rumble. That’s the actual alternative (with a HEAVY emphasis on the “alt” in “alternative”) you could use to watch Rossmann if you really are so passionate about how bad Google is. Plus Rossmann also is one of the cofounders of GrayJay.