How do I get informed on Joe Rogan without watching his videos. - eviltoast

I’m a bit concerned about how much my husband has been watching his videos, but he’s a hard man to argue with. I want to understand what it is Joe Rogan is saying, but I don’t want to give the man my viewership. How/where do I get the info I can use to debate my husband?

    9 months ago

    I dont think anyone can be prepared enough to deal with someone like Alex Jones.

    The guy is literally a Warhammer 40k space marine in real life. Well, not physically, but he thinks and talks like one.

        09 months ago

        The legal team for one of the Sandy Hook parent’s had one of the hosts testify as an expert witness on Alex Jones.

          39 months ago

          Not true. Dan acted as a probono advisor to plaintiff’s council in one of the Texas cases. He never testified. He did sit in on a deposition and suggest a few questions and lines of questioning