Dethroning, rises as the second most active instance - eviltoast
  • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
    2110 months ago

    no we don’t, you’re just mad you aren’t the noblest position possible and you lash out at us when we critique you from the left.

    • Tastysnack [she/her]
      10 months ago

      “I’m all for socialism as long as it looks and feels just like capitalism and all the inhuman death and killing that comes along with it because at my heart I’m a selfish self centered lib who is quite happy to see minorities and working class people domestically and abroad killed to maintain my cushy standard of living. Read a book and learn what actual socialism and leftism means? No chance, I use my paper thin knowledge of politics and my middle of the road positions to impress whoever listens to me because I know nobody cares enough to Google why I’m a liar when I talk about politics, and demonising actual leftists as extremists gives my vapid centrist soc dem takes more clout with everyone huffed up on anti communism and crypto fascism these days. Sadly for me hexbear do know more than me and call me out for being the bloodthirsty callous lib I am and it makes me piss my pants and cry when it happens because I don’t want to take any social responsibility for the exploitation i benefit from waah”

      Or something to that effect.

      • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
        410 months ago

        yeah magat… what trump supporters want universal healthcare, decommodification of housing, defunding the police, defunding the military, open borders, free college, and to send american war criminals to stand trial at the hague or in the countries they committed their crimes against?

        how illiterate do you have to be to hear what socialists want and think “yeah they support trump”?

      10 months ago

      Uh what? I have no idea what any of that means.

      I just don’t like Hexbear cause they claim to be communists yet constantly talk shit about liberals. Only MAGAts and Hexbear users hate liberals.

      I miss /r/LateStageCapitalism, a community made of actual communist liberals, unlike Hexbear which is just full of rage baiting trolls. But I’ll never go back to reddit again.

      • Bnova [he/him]
        2010 months ago

        “Communist liberal” is incoherent nonsense. Liberalism is a capitalist ideology that promotes private ownership of the means of production, communism subsequently doesn’t, they are contradictory ideologies.

          110 months ago

          Liberalism is a capitalist ideology that promotes private ownership of the means of production

          Absolutely false. It espouses private ownership. This can mean your own clothes, your own phone, your own computer, your own house, your own sentimental belongings, instead of everything being communally shared.

          It is possible for the means of production, like factories, to be communally owned, while still allowing for small personal private ownership. You can strike a balance between liberalism and private ownership, and communism and communal ownership.

          It’s not a black and white binary choices between “everything is private” and “everything is communal”.

          110 months ago

          Things are not so black and white. It’s possible to like ideas from both sides, without having to fully subscribe to a single idealogy.

          • Bnova [he/him]
            610 months ago

            There is no third way in this context, either you want workers to own the means of production or you want Capitalists to. Liberals want Capitalists to, and some liberals want Capitalists to own less, but see no overall problem with the current relationship between workers and their exploited labor. Communists want workers to own the means of production by contrast, these are opposing ideologies.